Editing profile details

Editing profile details like address, password, email, etc

Prajakta Pawar avatar
Written by Prajakta Pawar
Updated over a week ago

To edit the profile details, simply go to the [" My Profile"] in the [" Manage"] tab on the Dashboard. Here you can edit all your personal information except your email address. The email address can not be changed as members are invited to the platform through invitations sent by email. This is a unique email address associated with the Volopay account.

You can click on the ["+ Add bank details"] on the top right corner to add your bank account. These account details will be used when settling your reimbursements.

To change password, simply click on ["Change password"]. You will see a screen as shown below:

Now, choose a new password of your choice, which should contain a minimum of 1 capital letter, 1 small case, 1 number and 1 special character in it. (for e.g., Welcome@23)

To change address, simply click on ["Change address"]. You will see a screen as shown below:


"Please note that there may be updates on this topic from the time of publishing. We recommend reaching out to your account manager, or drop us a chat message, to clarify your concerns. Thank you!"

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to chat in with us so we can assist you!

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