Blocking a physical card
Prajakta Pawar avatar
Written by Prajakta Pawar
Updated over a week ago

Warning: Blocking a card is irreversible i.e., you cannot unblock a card once blocked.

Using the web platform

  • Go to the ''Cards'' tab on your left pane.

  • Click on "Your Cards" and then choose physical card. Here if you hover down you can see the option to freeze your card.

  • Click on "Freeze" and then click on confirm to freeze your card. You can now see the 2 new options - "Unfreeze" and "Block" as shown:

  • To continue blocking just click on "Block" option.

  • Finally, click on "Confirm" to permanently block your card.

Using the mobile app

1. Login to Volopay mobile app. You will land to the ["Wallet"] page.

2. Slide down and click on the ["Block"] button.

3. Click on ["Confirm"] to permanently block your card.

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