Expense view
Prajakta Pawar avatar
Written by Prajakta Pawar
Updated over a week ago

All expenses done through Volopay cards can be viewed in real-time.

- Members can see their own expenses as they happen.
- Admins in Volopay have a complete overview of all company spending as it happens.
- Budget owners have a complete overview of expenses related to the specific budgets that are assigned to them.

Various filters can be used to check specific expenses:

  • Made between a particular Period.

  • From a particular Category: Marketing, Software, Meals, etc.

  • Based on the Status: Pending, Incomplete, Okay.

  • You can include 0$ expenses

Expense view on web platform

For SG platform:

Expense view on the mobile app:

Also, you can apply various filters based on Status, Categories, User and Date to quickly fetch the results:

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