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New Features in our Alert Section!
New Features in our Alert Section!

Improving you experience of Volopay!

David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

New Feature

We bring you a whole new download section!!

Users can now directly download the exported documents from here.

  1. You can now export Bill Pay, Ledger and Transactions within a few clicks 😎

  2. As you export the file you want to download, it will show in your Downloads list under the status of “PROCESSING”.

  3. The most recently downloaded file will be right on top of the list!

  4. As soon as your file is ready! The status will change to “READY”.

  5. Default File Name: “Section from where the file is being downloaded” : “Date of Oldest Transaction” : “to” : “Date of Latest Transaction”

  6. If the export fails, the status will be marked as “FAILED” 🥲

Feature Update

Enhancing your experience by improving our Alert Sections!!

  1. Now, you can see “the number” of pending requests, action items and unread notifications that you’ve got in the alert task bar.

    Similarly, whenever you have a pending request, action item or notification, the bell icon will “BLINK RED” (you will see a red dot on the bell icon of Alerts!)

  2. A new search option in the Action Items and Notification Section.

  3. Now, a Red Dot will appear on the right side of your screen for Pending Request and Action Items.

  4. All your unread notifications will have a white background with a red dot on the right. Whereas, all read notification will appear in a grey background!

  5. We get it, nobody opens ‘all’ notifications! But the red dot can be annoying too, right?

    We thought of everything!! 😬

    There is a “Read All” CTA on the extreme right side of your notification tab, upon clicking that all unread notification will be now considered read.

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