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What is a flagged expense?
What is a flagged expense?
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

Transactions can be flagged manually or automatically by setting expense flag rule by the reviewer, or admin.

A flagged transaction usually are of three types of flags:

  1. Out of policy flags: cardholder spent on something that is out of policy

  2. Accidental charge: cardholder accidentally used the corporate card for a personal expense (self-reported)

  3. Fraudulent transactions: cardholder does not recognize this transaction Volopay makes it easy to correct an accidental, personal, or out-of-policy charge.

If you are an employee who's made a personal transaction on your corporate card, you can head to your Volopay dashboard and flag this transaction with a note.

Manually flagging an expense

If you accidentally made a personal charge or out of policy charge with your Volopay corporate card, you can head to your Volopay dashboard and flag this transaction. You can do this by:

  • Clicking into the Cards module > Needs Review section.

  • Open the expense slider and click on Flag button.

  • Clicking "Flag", will open the flag slider, where you can ask for partial repayment or full expense amount to be repaid.

After clicking "Submit", you and expense reviewer will be put on an email thread to discuss the transaction and how to remediate it.

Auto-flag an expense

With Auto-flag Rules, Volopay becomes the 24/7 policy enforcer, freeing up admins and card managers from time-consuming reviews, and automatically flags transactions with warnings or as out-of-policy on their behalf.

All admins have to do is select the criteria under which Volopay will automatically flag transactions as out-of-policy or add a label to remind cardholders and reviewers to check for possible out-of-policy spend. For added visibility, admins can choose which reviewers or cardholders receive email notifications.

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