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Volopay 2.0 Cards
Automatically-flag expense
Automatically-flag expense
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

With Auto-flag Rules, Volopay becomes the 24/7 policy enforcer, freeing up admins and card managers from time-consuming reviews, and automatically flags transactions with warnings or as out-of-policy on their behalf.

All admins have to do is select the criteria under which Volopay will automatically flag transactions as out-of-policy or add a label to remind cardholders and reviewers to check for possible out-of-policy spend. For added visibility, admins can choose which reviewers or cardholders receive email notifications.

How do I set up Auto-flag rules as an admin?

Step 1: Start by navigating to the settings under the cards module.

Step 2: Next, click on 'spend controls'.


Step 3: Under the 'post spend' section, you will find the 'expense flag rules'.


Step 4: Click on it to either add a new rule or edit/delete an existing rule. For this guide, we will create a new expense rule. ; Click on "create a new expense rule"

Step 5: First, you will need to enter a threshold amount.

Step 6: Next, you will need to select either the department, project, merchant, or category. These criteria can be chosen in various combinations.

Step 7: Once you have set the criteria, click on 'save'.

From now on, any expense made using a card that meets these criteria will automatically be flagged.

How do I review transactions?

Transactions can be reviewed from the "Cards > Needs Review" or "Cards > Flagged" tabs. These tabs allow all reviewers, admins, and company managers to access lists of expenses requiring review and those flagged for attention.

From these tabs, they can approve flagged expenses or request the expense owner to repay out-of-policy expenses before approving them.



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