Permission Required: Users with the Admin Profile can access this feature
Regional Availability: Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, United States
Creating a project within your company’s system is a crucial step in allocating and tracking expenses for a specific business initiative. These projects serve as a central hub for budget oversight and spending management, allowing employees from various departments to collaborate and make necessary expenditures that contribute to the project’s objectives.
Steps to create a new Project
Step 1: Navigate to the Manage tab. Under the Company section, select Projects.
Step 2: On the right side, find and click on New Project. This action opens the new project form.
Step 3: Enter the project's name and define its start date.
Step 4: Add the project managers. These individuals will have access to view and modify the project details.
Step 5: Add members to the project. These individuals can make expenditures for the project.
Step 6: In Advanced Options, set a budget for the project by allotting an amount and determining a refresh frequency. This step is optional and can be done after the project's creation.
To define a budget > open the budget drop down > click on Define Budget
Enter the amount to allocate to the budget and choose the frequency of its update or refresh.
Decide whether to make the budget flexible or non-flexible. With a flexible budget, new expenses won't get declined even if the budget amount is exhausted. In a non-flexible budget, they'll get declined.
Choose the modules for which the budget applies and submit by defining the budget.
Click on "Define budget" to save the changes.
Step 5: After creating the budget, attach different policies for the project, such as approval policy, submission policy, and claim policy. Enable custom policies from the global settings and attach a specific policy.
Step 6: Complete the creation of the project by clicking on the Add Project option.
Protip: You can quickly check Project spends in the Dashboard under spends table feature.
Note: Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager in case you wish to delete your project or if you have any other queries.