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Budgeted for: Incorporating types of spend into a budget
Budgeted for: Incorporating types of spend into a budget

For All Accounts

David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over 5 months ago

Permission Required: Users with the Admin Profile and Custom Profile can access this feature

Regional Availability: Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, United States


Every budget is defined against either a department or a project that has been established within the company. We cannot create a budget separately for any other module. Whenever a new department is established we can assign a budget specifically for that department. Similarly, when initiating a new project it's possible to define the budget and set up a new budget for that particular project.

Once a budget is created, admin or department/project managers can then modify the budgets. Spend limits of a budget, the selected budgeted for module: that could be all cards, reimbursements or bill payments.

If an member is a manager, they can view all budgets they manage, and edit various aspects of the budget such as the budget name, limit, and members.

Spending from a budget

After setting a budget and choosing which modules will be funded in a specific department or project, that could be card expenses, reimbursements, or bill payments from that department or project will decrease the available budget balance.

A budget is allocated based on specific types of expenditures that it aims to regulate, permitting spending only if there is sufficient balance available. Department or project managers can establish a budget to track and control spending across various categories by setting expenditure limits for different users and spend types. Any spend types not included in the budget will not be subject to these restrictions. This approach ensures that spending is monitored and managed according to predefined limits, enhancing financial oversight within the project or department.

If the budget is fully utilized, any further expenses, reimbursements, or payments will be declined until the budget limit is raised.

All transactions recorded against the budget can be viewed in the budget tracker, which also provides a quick analysis of the percentage spent by each module.

Flexible & non-flexible budgets

When setting up a budget, you can choose between a flexible budget and a non-flexible budget.

A flexible budget allows for spending beyond the initially allocated amount. If you exceed the set limit, the budget will not prevent further transactions; instead, the balance will turn negative. This indicates that the budget can adjust to accommodate additional expenses, allowing continued spending even when the predefined limit is surpassed.

On the other hand, a non-flexible budget strictly adheres to its set limit. Once the allocated funds are depleted, any additional transactions are automatically declined, preventing any overspending.

Both types of budgets—flexible or non-flexible—can be defined either when creating a new budget or by modifying an existing one, suitable for specific departments or projects.

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