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How to use cashback rewards?
How to use cashback rewards?
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated this week

Available only for Singapore users.

Your cashback will continue to accrue over time and will not expire. You can view your company's earned and redeemed cashback activity in the Dashboard page > Cashback > Redeem now.

In this section, you can see the cashback you have earned so far, the cashback available from the current cycle, and the amount available for you to redeem.

How to redeem cashback?

To redeem your cashback, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your dashboard and locate the cashback button.

  2. Hover over this button to access the cashback widget, where you'll find the "Redeem Now" option.

  3. Click on "Redeem Now" to open a form where you can specify the amount of cashback you wish to redeem.

  4. Enter the desired amount and confirm the redemption.

Now you can use the additional money to make company spends.

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