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Volopay 2.0 Cards
Order a physical card for yourself?
Order a physical card for yourself?
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

Each employee can only have one physical card at a time. Volopay can ship a physical card to any domestic address.


Step 1: To obtain a physical card, open your Volopay account and navigate to the My Volopay section, then selecting Physical Cards. From there, click on the 'Order' button located in top right corner. You will be prompted to provide the necessary details for the card order.

Step 2: Click on the Order Card button to open the order card form.

Step 3: Enter the delivery address details and click Continue to proceed to the review form.

Step 4: Review the entered details, including the delivery address and the approvers for the card request. And click "Submit".

Once the card request receives approval, expect the card to be delivered within seven to ten business days at the provided address.

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