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Volopay 2.0 Cards
Dismissing submission policy for an expense
Dismissing submission policy for an expense
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

With Volopay, you can define a threshold above which receipts and/or memos will be required when submitting expenses. For some expenses however, you may not want to ask a receipt for every transaction. These include recurring charges like SaaS or ongoing transactions like advertising. Now you can exclude them from requiring receipts. You'll still see notifications and alerts on unusual spend and savings opportunities.

Step 1: Open the expense slider for which you want to dismiss the submission policy requirements

Step 2: Scroll down in the slider to Policy details, where you can see a "Dismiss submission policy requirement" for this expense.

The second method to do so, is by opening the Missing details slider from Cards > Missing Details.

Here you will see a list of all txns which are pending to complete submission policy, simply click on the dismiss submission policy.

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