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Volopay Admin Guide
David James avatar
Written by David James
Updated over a week ago

Permission Required: Users with the Admin Profile can access this feature

Regional Availability: Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore


Welcome to Volopay!

This guide is designed to help you set up Volopay for your organization efficiently and effectively. Here, you’ll find everything you need to move through the implementation process smoothly and address any questions you may have.

To get started, explore the sections that are most relevant to you, or follow the onboarding process step by step to ensure you cover all necessary aspects. Let’s get you set up for success with Volopay!

Getting started

Understanding the platform

We'll guide you through the Volopay platform and help you understand the importance of each module.

My Volopay

The My Volopay module provides users with a centralized view of their expenses, transactions, card management, and reimbursements. It is designed for users to manage their own financial activities efficiently.

Within this module, users can:

  • View and manage expenses

  • Track transactions

  • Handle card management (both virtual and physical)

  • Claim reimbursements and track their status

My Volopay ensures that users have all the necessary tools to oversee and control their personal financial activities within the platform.


The Cards module allows for the issuance and management of virtual and physical cards, as well as the tracking of card-related expenses. It provides tools for setting limits, monitoring spending, and controlling card usage to ensure compliance with company policies.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:

  • Expenses

    • Overview: View all card-related expenses that have been done by users in the company.

    • Needs Review: Expenses that require review and approval.

    • Flagged: Expenses flagged for further investigation.

    • Declines: Expenses that have been declined.

  • Virtual Cards: Manage virtual cards, including issuance and settings.

  • Physical Cards: Order and manage physical cards, including settings.

  • Requests: Handle requests related to card limits and new card approvals.

  • Settings: Configure card-related settings and preferences.

Bill pay

The Bill Pay module streamlines the process of paying vendors. It includes features for setting up and managing vendor details, scheduling payments, and tracking payment statuses to ensure timely and accurate vendor payments.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:

  • Invoice Inbox: Create and manage incoming bills for payment.

  • Approvals: View and approve payments that require authorization.

  • Payments: Schedule and process bill payments.

  • Paid: Track payments that have been completed.

  • Vendors: Add and manage vendor details.

  • Exchange Rate: Monitor and apply exchange rates for international payments.

  • Settings: Configure bill pay-related settings and preferences.Reimbursement

    The Reimbursement module simplifies the process of submitting and approving reimbursement requests. It ensures that all expenses are accounted for and reimbursed promptly, providing a seamless experience for both employees and approvers. This module is designed for admins and people managing reimbursements.

    Within this module, users can access the following pages:

    • Approvals: View and approve reimbursement requests that require authorization.

    • Payments: Manage settlement for approved reimbursement claims.

    • Paid: Track reimbursements that have been completed.

    • Settings: Configure reimbursement-related settings and preferences.


The Reimbursement module simplifies the process of submitting and approving reimbursement requests. It ensures that all expenses are accounted for and reimbursed promptly, providing a seamless experience for both employees and approvers. This module is designed for admins and people managing reimbursements.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:

  • Approvals: View and approve reimbursement requests that require authorization.

  • Payments: Manage settlement for approved reimbursement claims.

  • Paid: Track reimbursements that have been completed.

  • Settings: Configure reimbursement-related settings and preferences.


The Payroll module facilitates the management of salary payments, ensuring that all payroll activities are handled efficiently and accurately. This module includes features for setting up payroll details, managing employee payments, and tracking payment statuses.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:

  • Salary Payment

    • Payroll Inbox: Create salary payments.

    • Approvals: View and approve salary payment requests that require authorization.

    • Payments: Manage and process salary payments.

    • Paid: Track completed salary payments.

  • Payroll Employees: Create and manage payroll employee details.

  • Exchange Rate: Monitor and apply exchange rates for international salary payments.

  • Settings: Configure payroll-related settings and preferences.


The Accounting module on Volopay provides tools to manage and sync financial transactions, maintain a comprehensive record of all company transactions, and integrate with external accounting software.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:

  • Transactions: Manage and sync transactions for various types such as Cards, Bill Pay, Reimbursement, Payroll, and Others. The transactions can be verified and synced with your accounting software.

  • Ledger: Provides a comprehensive record of all financial transactions incurred by your company via Volopay

  • Integrations: Connect Volopay with external accounting software for seamless data synchronization.

  • Settings: Configure accounting-related settings and preferences.


The Manage module provides tools for overseeing and configuring various aspects of your company’s operations within Volopay. This includes setting up departments, projects, budgets, and locations, as well as managing users and their roles and permissions.

Within this module, users can access the following pages:


  • Departments: Create and manage company departments.

  • Projects: Set up and oversee projects.

  • Budgets: Define and monitor departmental and project budgets.

  • Locations: Establish and manage different company locations.


  • Users: Add and manage user accounts.

  • Roles & Permissions: Assign and customize user roles and permissions.

Billing: View and manage your billing plans with Volopay.

Settings: Configure various operational settings and preferences.

Essential setup

Setting up your Volopay account involves key steps to ensure your organization can manage financial transactions effectively. Here are the primary components you need to configure:

Note: If you need assistance with inviting users and setting up your account, take advantage of Volopay's Red Carpet Onboarding. Please inform your Customer Success Manager if you would like to request this service.

Invite Users and Assigning Roles

Inviting Users is as simple as sending an email invite. Learn how to invite new users to Volopay and manage their access efficiently by following the below steps:

  • Go to: Manage > People > click the "Invite people" button (on the top right)

  • Select the user role for the invitee

    • Admin: can define how your business uses Volopay and can invite users, issue cards, set budget limits, create accounting rules, and modify company settings.

    • Member: can request or receive a virtual/physical card, and they are responsible solely for their own expenses and reimbursements

    • External Accountant: are provided with access to activity data to facilitate your accounting processes.

  • Input the required fields (and any optional fields)

    • The email id

    • Department

    • Location

  • Click "Invite"

Find out more from this collection: Volopay User Management.

Create Departments

Setting up new departments is one of the essential first steps in Volopay. It helps you keep track of all expenses from day one within that specific department

  • Go to: Manage > Company > click the "New Department" button (on the top right)

  • Add a name for the department

  • Add users to become Department Manager/s

  • Define a budget for the department. This step is optional and can be done after the department's creation.

    • To define a budget > open the budget drop down > click on Define Budget

    • Enter the amount to allocate to the budget and choose the frequency of its update or refresh.

    • Decide whether to make the budget flexible or non-flexible. With a flexible budget, new expenses won't get declined even if the budget amount is exhausted. In a non-flexible budget, they'll get declined.

    • Choose the modules for which the budget applies and submit by defining the budget.

    • Click on "Define budget" to save the changes.

  • If "Custom Policies" are enabled, you can set-up a department specific policies such as approval policy, submission policy, and reimbursement policy.

  • Complete the creation of the department by clicking on the Add Department option.

Add locations

Setting up a new location in Volopay allows you to manage and track expenses specific to each office location, ensuring clear organization from the start.

  • Go to: Manage > Locations> click the "New Location" button (on the top right)

  • Enter the desired location name in the form. If the name already exists, an error message will appear, to avoid duplication.

  • Click on Add Location. The new location will appear under the company listing.

Find out more from this collection: Location Management

Setup policies

Approval policy

Admins can set a company-wide approval policy or create custom approval policies for specific departments and projects. This ensures all financial transactions go through a standardized review process for consistency and control.

  • Go to: Manage > Settings

  • Here, view all types of policies, including company, custom, and physical card approval policies. Then, select which module's company policy you wish to modify and click "Edit policy".

  • Edit the policy by creating an approval layer and selecting the approvers for that policy.

  • Similarly create a notifier layer and specify who will be notified if any request is approved or declined, within this range.

  • For additional customization, you have the option to add multiple ranges, defining a specific approval based on the amount.

  • You can similarly add multiple ranges and designate different approvers for each range.

    • Example: Amount between 0-100 is auto approved while any amount above 100 needs approval

  • Click Save to modify and save your company approval policy

Submission policy

The submission policy outlines documentation requirements for financial requests, ensuring all necessary documents, such as receipts and memos, are provided. Policies can be set company-wide or customized for departments or projects.

  • Go to: Manage > Settings

  • locate the Submission Policy section and enable the submission policy.

    • By default, this sets a company submission policy for cards, bill pay, and reimbursement transactions.

  • Select the module for which you want to modify the submission policy, and define the required fields, such as receipt, memo, accounting fields and custom fields.

    • Adjustments can be added if the receipt, memo, accounting fields and custom fields are required for all transactions or transactions above a certain value

  • After saving this submission policy, it's applied to all departments and expenses under that policy.

Find out more from this collection: Expense Approval and Policies

Set up your Volopay modules


As an admin, you have full control over your card module, from ordering physical cards and creating virtual cards to setting up card policies and limits.

Bill pay

As an admin, you can streamline your AP process by assigning users specific tasks, from creating and approving payments to initiating them.


As an admin, define your reimbursement workflow, specifying who approves claims, what documents users need to upload, and who settles the claims.


Simplify your accounting by integrating your ERP with Volopay. Our platform automates manual processes, offering a wide range of automatic classifications, customizations, and export options to meet your specific accounting needs.


As an admin, you can initiate the integration to ensure a seamless, end-to-end process for managing your company spends. Volopay seamlessly integrates with the accounting software listed below.

Note: Is your accounting software not on the list? No problem! Use our Universal CSV to easily transfer data from Volopay to your accounting software.

Alternatively, discuss your needs with your Customer Success Manager, and we can build the integration for you. (fees may apply)


Discover how to map accounting fields from Volopay to your ERP system to automatically categorize expenses.

If you need more assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

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